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ENetSuD Commends KWSG Transparency on Project Execution

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The Elites Network for Sustainable Development (ENetSuD), an anti-corruption Civil Society Organization know for its #FollowKwaraMoney, has commended the Kwara State Government (KWSG) for its improvement in the area of transparency in projects execution.

The Coordinator of ENetSuD, Dr Abdullateef Alagbonsi, in a statement on Friday, noted that the State is improving on transparency in the area of project execution, especially as regards making members of the public have access to information on the contract sum, details of contractors, contract duration, and executing Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), among others.

The statement also commended the online publishing of information related to awarded government contracts in the State.

ENetSuD added that even though the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act has not yet been domesticated in the State, which is seriously hindering citizens’ access to information, the voluntary action of the state government to be uploading some of these information on its website is an indication that we are moving close to an open Kwara.

The body further called the attention of the government to some incorrect information on the website about some projects and urged the responsible MDAs to carefully crosscheck them for corrections so as to minimize errors that can misinform the public.

Finally, ENetSuD encouraged the KWSG to sustain the initiative and move a step further by uploading monthly fund release to contractors on the state website for easy tracking of government projects’ execution.

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