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Growing Inflation Affecting Ilorin Central Mosque’s Maintenance, Board’s Scribe Cries Out

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The growing inflation in the country is affecting the maintenance of Ilorin Central Jumat Mosque in Kwara State.

The secretary board of trustees of the Mosque, Alh. Shehu AbdulGafar disclosed this on Monday during the meeting of the board of trustees and stakeholders of the Mosque held at the women’s wing of the mosque in Ilorin..

“May I say that due to the growing inflation, the cost of maintaining the edifice is on the increase. The amount needed to maintain the Mosque and its facilities has skyrocketed. But I believe that as patriots we are all capable of ensuring that enough resources are generated to keep the Mosque glowing to the glory of Allah.

“However, since the Mosque has neither any form of investment nor the steady source of income, this gathering has become a necessity for compatriots not only to donate and make pledges but also to get enabling information on the state of the Mosque,” he said.

The BoT secretary, therefore appealed to the gathering which has the attorney general of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Prince Lateef Fagbemi, Mal. Yusuf Ali (SAN), former Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Alfa Belgore, Senator Salihu Mustapha and Engr. Lanre Sagaya, Professors Yusuf Badmus and Hassan Salihu, IEDPU president,Alh AbdulMumin AbdulMalik, amongst other dignitaries in attendance, to donate generously to the maintenance of the Mosque.

He reminded them that the Ilorin Central Juma’at Mosque, ” which is one of the most beautiful places of religion in Nigeria and beyond needed a lot of resources for proper maintenance of its structure.”

AbdulGafar, while thanking the Emir of Ilorin and the custodial of the Mosque, Ibrahim Sulu-Gambari, the trustees, stakeholders, the management committee, and the central working committee for their support, added that the intervention of the state government on water supply from the public water scheme has relieved the Mosque of its water needs.

He, however, said that, ” epileptic power supply remains a great challenge coupled with a hyper bill of over one million Naira monthly to the operation and maintenance of the Mosque. This is coupled with the unstable prices of diesel running to N700,000 monthly.”

Earlier, the chairman of the board of trustees of the Mosque, Justice Alfa Belgore, had said that the meeting was neither for business nor politics, adding that “it involves every Ilorin patriot as it gives us the privilege to know more about the status of the Mosque and grant us an idea of its needs and expectations.

“Our Mosque is a beautiful edifice. This is a fact that can not be converted. It remains the best of its kind in Africa, South of the Sahara. The retention of its beauty can, however, not be achieved through mere wishes but with positive actions. We, therefore, need to pull our resources together towards its proper maintenance,” Belgore said.

The senator representing Kwara Central in the Senate, Salihu Mustapha, announced that he would implement N500m worth of projects for the Mosque.

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