
Oba of Jebba Appeals To Gov. AbdulRazaq Over Withheld Salaries, Fingers Govt Officials Of Cahoots To Frustrate His Court Victory

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The Traditional Ruler of Jebba in Moro Local Government Area of Kwara State, HRH Oba Abdulkadir Alabi Adebara has appealed to Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq over unpaid 21 years of salaries and other emoluments.

Oba Adebara made the appeal while speaking with journalists at his palace in Jebba on Wednesday, saying “I appeal to our Governor to follow up his directive on the payment of my salaries and other emoluments after a court victory which remains unchallenged.”

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Earlier, the stakeholders in the community under the leadership of Asiwaju of Jebba, Chief James Akano Babatunde, President of Jebba Descendants Union, Mr. Abdulkareem Yusuf and Eesa of Jebba High Chief Jaiyeola Omotosho, in a press conference urged the governor to take the necessary action in the implementation of his directive.

“The Oba of Jabba’s letter of appeal to His Excellency, Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazag Ref. HRH/OBJB/S.P.GOV/8/2023 dated 3rd October 2023 requesting for the payment of his personal emoluments and the
implementation of the Court judgment.

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“The Governor referred the letter to the Hon. Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, who also sought the legal advice of the Attorney General and Commissioner of Justíce, which advice was promptly given to the effect that the salaries and emoluments of the Oba should be paid.

“Since the receipt of the legal advice, the Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs has failed/refused to revert back to the Governor while the subject file has suddenly disappeared from circulation.

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“Even the reminder written by HRH the Oba of Jebba Ref. HRH/OBJB/S.P/GOV/12/2023 dated 18 December 2023 on the subject matter has had no effect.

“We have strong reasons to believe that some officials of the Ministry of Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs in cahoots with one or two traditional rulers are out to frustrate the payment of the accumulated salaries and allowances of our Monarch.

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“These traditional rulers had vowed that as long as they live, the Oba of Jebba shall not earn any salary. That perhaps is their second worst option having failed woefully to dethrone the Oba of Jebba through the malicious criminal charge.”

The stool of Oba of Jebba was graded 3rd Class in 1983 by late Governor Adamu Attah.

Meanwhile, the present monarch, Oba Adebara was appointed as the 5th Oba of Jebba on 3rd Class Status, on 16th May 2003 by late Governor Muhammed Lawal.

He later faced a legal battle with the state government on the charges of illegally parading himself as Oba, during the administration of former Governor Bukola Saraki which lasted 8 years before he was discharged and acquitted of any wrongdoing by Hon. Justice Hanna Ajayi of Kwara State High Court on 29th of January, 2014 in which the Court upheld his appointment as Oba and grading as a 3rd Class Traditional ruler as legal, valid and subsisting.

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The stakeholders added that “All efforts by the state government to appeal the judgment were futile.

“As a corollary to the above, we further implore the Governor to please implement in full the two aforementioned court judgements through: the immediate constitution of a separate Traditional Council for Moro Local Government.

“The immediate upgrading of the stool of Oba of Jebba to 1st Class status in line with his contemporaries of 1983 e.g. Elese of Igbaja, Olosi of Osi, Olupako of Share, Etsu Tsaragi etc.

“Even stools that were not graded by 1983 are now 1st Class e.g. Emir of Okuta, Emir of Yashikira, Emir of Ilesha Baruba etc., in the interest of justice, equity and fairness.”

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