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Our legislative agenda’ll address Nigerians’ yearnings – Abbas

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Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Abbas Tajudeen, Monday said the Legislative Agenda of the 10th House of Representatives will champion causes toward addressing the yearnings of Nigerians.

 The speaker, in his address at a stakeholders’ meeting organised by the House’ Ad Hoc Committee on Legislative Agenda in Abuja said the parliament was ready to urge citizen’s participation in the forts toward addressing the challenges facing the country.

“Our desire is to have a legislative agenda that meets the yearnings and aspirations of citizens and with which they would use as a benchmark to evaluate and assess our performance after four years. Therefore, today’s meeting should not be seen as the usual talk-shop. Consider it a critical national assignment.

“There is no better way to show that the 10th Houses of Representatives is ready to respond, and urgently too, to the yearnings of those who brought us to the people’s House to do the people’s business,” the speaker said in his address.

The Speaker recalled while welcoming members of the House from a short recess on July 4, 2023, that he declared the 10th House as the House of the people.

“I equally promised that while it is the duty of the House to develop a Legislative Agenda for which our constituents will hold us accountable, the House would not hesitate to consult critical stakeholders in developing the agenda to elicit their input and areas of expectations, which is the reason we have gathered here this morning”, he said.

Earlier in his welcome address, Majority Leader of the House and chairman of the House Ad Hoc Committee on Legislative Agenda, Prof. Julius Ihonvbere, noted that the event marked “a pivotal moment in our nation’s history as we receive input to build a comprehensive blueprint to drive progress, prosperity, and inclusivity across our great nation.

“We envision a Nigeria where the economy is robust and diversified, infrastructure is world-class, education is transformative, healthcare is accessible to all, and governance is transparent and accountable. This vision transcends partisan lines, and it is the collective aspiration of every Nigerian.” (Blueprint)

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