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Re: APC National Caretaker Policy and Kwara State, A caretaker committee cannot succeed a caretaker committee – Party Elders

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6178C9C3 1F93 4B0A BDAF B8C27BBBADF8

By Admin

Our attention has been drawn to a press briefing held on 10th of December, 2020 by some chieftains of our party in Kwara State led by Akogun Iyiola Oyedepo in which they canvassed the swearing in of Hon. Bashir Omolaja Bolarinwa (BOB) as Caretaker chairman of our party in the state because, in their words, Kwara State cannot be treated as a separate case outside the recent resolutions of the NEC.

“For the record, until the recent dissolution of APC executives at the state, local and ward levels, it is the position of the majority of party stakeholders in Kwara State that the caretaker committee led by BOB had overstayed its welcome and a new one was required in the interest of fairness and justice. The caretaker committee, constituted over two years ago in 2018, was a special purpose vehicle which had since outlasted its purpose. It was therefore welcome and just when the NEC of our party dissolved it along with others across the state”

“Having this, we observed that there are a couple of misrepresentation of facts in the statement of Akogun Iyiola Oyedepo”

“First, it should be noted that the sole reason the party opted out of delegates election for the primaries of 2019 general elections was because the party caretaker officials could not serve as valid delegates, hence the resort to direct primary election. It was that direct primary election, supervised by the caretaker committee, that the Supreme Court upheld”

“The position of the Supreme Court was that the National Executive Committee of the party had validly dissolved the state executive committee led by Balogun Fulani and that its (NEC) decision to appoint a caretaker committee was valid”

“At no time did the Supreme Court pronounce BOB as validly elected chairman”

”It is our contention that the Governor Mai Mala Buni-led national caretaker committee should not inaugurate Bolarinwa as that would mean that an interim person whose tenure ought to have lapsed is again handed the rein of the party despite the controversy surrounding his headship of the party”

“Whereas other states had validly elected state executive committees, Kwara had none and so it had and still has a special case”

“Nothing buttresses this point more than the APC communication of 30 July, 2018 where it was clearly stated that the caretaker committee was an arrangement that came into place as a result of the developments in the state at the time”

“Our position, therefore, is that a caretaker committee cannot under whatever guise succeed another caretaker committee”

Thank you.

Signed: Kwara State APC Party Elders

Alhaji Iliasu Ibrahim

Alhaji Farouk Idigba

Alhaji Omotosho Adam

Prince Micheal Ajamu

Alhaji Shehu Nseri

Mr Daniel Nathaniel

Alhaji Karufe Shonga

Gbenga Falusi

Mrs Joel Adedayo


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