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*Today I have the absolute pleasure of wishing a happy birthday to a selfless leader with golden heart!*

*Selflessness is the hallmark of Hon. Mashood Mustapha, a great leader.*

*Hon. Mashood Mustapha don’t take advantage of people; he create opportunities for them. He is the ladder which others climb to get their desires. He serve others by giving the best of himself; he gives his time, talent and treasures.*

*Hon. Mashood Mustapha act of selflessness is putting others first and placing their need above his personal ambition. He is realizing that life is not about labouring to meet one’s needs and preferences, but a task to look out for others and help them to actualize their expectations and aspirations. A selfless leader per excellence that puts others at the centre of his world not because he expects anything from them by so doing but because he wants the best for them.*

*Most leaders want to be served. Many people equate leadership with churning out orders and being served by others. But that is not the leadership style of Hon. Mashood Mustapha. He is creating value for others, helping them to achieve their desires and making their lives meaningful. Hon. Mashood Mustapha is a ladder which others climb to get their desires. He mentor, mind, mould and give others wings to fly. He never stop until those he lead achieve their dreams.*

*We are celebrating you today, our great leader. Because, you make your followers; the entire MM Team and their wellbeing the centre of your leadership and consequently etched yourself in our minds and hearts.*

*May Allah continue to shower His infinite mercy, maximum protection, tranquility and blessings on you today and always. Aameen.*

*Engr. Tajudeen Adebayo Yusuf Maishinkafa*
*Secretary, MM Strategic Joint Forum/President, Eminent Readers Association*

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