
Kwara Govt Reaffirms Completion of Unity Overhead Bridge in 12 Months’ Time

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The Kwara State Government has reiterated a plan to complete the Unity flyover bridge, which it said is at 60 percent, ahead of the 12-month time lap.

The state’s commissioner for Works and Transport, Hon. AbdulQuawiy Olododo gave this indication during the inter-ministerial press briefing held in commemoration of the first year of the second term of Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq-led administration.

Olododo also disclosed why the Tunde Idiagbon Bridge, located along the University of Ilorin road has not been commissioned said that while the bridge is fully completed, it is being crowded by tricycle operators and market women who needed to be evacuated before the commissioning.

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He added that the government would be completing its arrangements with the tricycle operators in the vicinity and people selling on the road to relocate soon and make the area free for traffic.

He also said 75 interlocking and road rehabilitation is ongoing while 71 new road projects rehabilitation would start soon.

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Similarly, the Commissioner for Business, Innovation and Technology Damilola Yusuf-Adelodun disclosed that the ongoing 1,500-capacity Ilorin International Conference Center would be ready soon for usage.

Added that the international Conference center when completed would have an additional 500-capacity hall and 120 rooms for various activities in the state.

Adelodun added that the government of Mallam Abdulrazaq Abudlrahaman is also rehabilitating Patigi Regatta motel which has 20 rooms to boost the region’s cultural practice and in turn generate revenue for the state.

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The press briefing which was coordinated by the State Ministry of Communications had in attendance all the Commissioners and some heads of agencies to inform the public about the achievement of the All Progressive Congress, APC-led state government. (Nigerian Pilot)

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